What Is The Average Cost Of A Metal Roof Compared To Asphalt Shingles

When it comes to roofing options, there are a plethora of choices available. However, two popular options that often come up in conversations are metal roofs and asphalt shingles. Both have their own set of advantages and disadvantages, but one key factor that many homeowners consider is the cost.

In this article, we will delve into what is the average cost of a metal roof compared to asphalt shingles, providing you with valuable information to help you make an informed decision for your home.

As a homeowner who desires innovation and seeks out the best for my house, I understand the importance of finding a roofing option that not only stands out but also fits within my budget. Metal roofs have gained popularity in recent years due to their sleek appearance and durability. While they may initially seem more expensive than traditional asphalt shingles, it's essential to consider their long-term benefits and potential cost savings over time.

By exploring factors such as durability, maintenance requirements, energy efficiency, environmental impact, weather resistance, warranty options, and other considerations specific to your circumstances, you can determine whether a metal roof or asphalt shingles provide better value for your investment.

So let's dive into this comparison of costs between these two roofing materials - after all - innovation lies in making wise decisions that benefit both our homes and the environment!

Metal Roofing Vs. Asphalt Shingles

Metal roofing is much cheaper than asphalt shingles! Recently, metal roofs have become popular due to their many benefits.

They are energy-efficient and durable. However, asphalt shingle roofs are cheaper but require more maintenance and last less.

Metal roofing costs more than asphalt shingles on average. The extra investment pays off in the long run. Metal roofs can last 50 years or more with minimal maintenance, while asphalt shingles need replacing every 15–20 years. A metal roof saves money on repairs and replacements over time.

The energy efficiency of metal roofing is superior. Metal reflects solar heat, unlike asphalt shingles. This keeps your home cooler in the summer and lowers cooling costs. Some metal roofs have insulation to boost energy efficiency.

Moving on to durability and longevity, metal roofing outperforms asphalt shingles. Metal roofs can withstand hail storms and high winds. They don't corrode or crack like asphalt shingles. A metal roof will protect your home for decades and reduce maintenance costs.

In terms of average roof cost, durability, and energy efficiency, metal roofs are better than asphalt shingles. The upfront cost may be higher, but the benefits outweigh any budget concerns. Why settle for less when innovation is above you?

Durability And Longevity

Durability And Longevity

Metal roofs last much longer than asphalt ones. Metal roofs are strong and durable, making them a good long-term option for homeowners. Asphalt shingles are cheaper upfront, but metal roofs last longer.

This is crucial when comparing metal roof vs. asphalt shingle costs. Metal roofs can last over 50 years, while asphalt shingles last 20–25. While installing a metal roof may cost more than asphalt shingles, you'll save money by avoiding frequent replacements and repairs.

Metal roofs are durable and can withstand heavy rain, strong winds, and snowstorms. Metal roofs last longer and require less maintenance than asphalt shingles. They resist cracking, warping, and rotting, which homeowners often experience with asphalt shingles.

Regular inspections and maintenance will keep your metal roof working for decades.

Maintenance And Repairs

Keeping your metal roof in good condition is easy and requires few repairs. Metal roofs are easier to maintain than asphalt shingles for four reasons:

Weather Resistance

  • Metal roofs are highly resistant to extreme weather conditions such as hail, heavy rain, and strong winds.
  • Unlike asphalt shingles that can crack or get blown off during storms, metal roofs stay intact and require fewer repairs due to weather-related damage.

Minimal Maintenance

  • Metal roofs require very little maintenance compared to their asphalt counterparts.
  • They don't need frequent cleaning or inspections like shingle roofs do.
  • With a metal roof, you can enjoy peace of mind knowing that you won't have to spend time or money on regular maintenance tasks.

Long-lasting Performance

Metal roofs have an impressive lifespan of 40-70 years, while asphalt shingle roofs typically last around 20 years.

  • This means fewer repairs and replacements over the lifetime of your home.
  • Investing in a durable metal roof not only saves you money in the long run but also reduces the hassle of constant repairs associated with asphalt shingles.


  • While the initial cost of installing a metal roof may be higher than that of asphalt shingles, its low maintenance requirements make it more cost-effective in the long term.
  • You'll save on repair expenses as well as avoid the inconvenience of frequent roofing issues that are common with traditional shingles.

Energy Efficiency

Energy Efficiency

Metal roofs improve energy efficiency and reduce carbon emissions while adding style and comfort.

Metal roofs reflect sunlight, reducing heat absorption into your home, making them popular. This reduces summer air conditioning use, saving energy and money. Asphalt shingles absorb more heat, making your cooling system work harder and use more energy.

Metal roofs are more durable than asphalt shingles and insulate better against heat transfer. Metal is durable and resists hail storms and strong winds. This saves you time and money by eliminating the need to replace damaged shingles or make repairs.

Metal roofs sometimes cost more than asphalt shingles. Metal roofs are worth the investment due to their energy efficiency and 40–70-year lifespan (compared to 15–30 years for asphalt). Metal roofs require less maintenance and repair, so the cost difference can eventually be equalized.

Metal roofs are more energy-efficient and cost-effective than asphalt shingles. The higher initial investment may be offset by lower energy consumption and maintenance costs over your roof's lifespan.

Environmental Impact

Homeowners can reduce their carbon footprint, add style and comfort, and save money with metal roofs. Metal roofs pollute less than asphalt shingles. Asphalt shingles are energy-intensive and pollute the air with volatile organic compounds.

However, metal roofs can be fully recycled because they are often made from recycled materials. There are greener options for those who want to reduce their environmental impact.

Metal roofs have other sustainability benefits besides being eco-friendly. These durable items can last 50 years or more with proper care. This durability reduces waste by reducing the number of roof replacements needed with asphalt shingles.

Traditional roofing materials can be costly to repair or replace after hurricanes or wildfires, but metal roofs are more resistant.

Metal roofs cost more than asphalt shingles, but they save money over time. Durable metal roofs require less maintenance and repair. They also insulate better than asphalt shingles, reducing heating and cooling costs year-round.

Installation Process

Installation Process

Next, let's discuss metal roof installation and what homeowners can expect. Metal roofs are installed differently than asphalt shingles. Expectations are as follows:

  • Preparation: Before installation begins, the roofers will conduct a thorough inspection of your current roof to ensure it's in good condition. Any necessary repairs or replacements will be addressed at this stage. Once everything is ready, they'll start by laying down a protective underlayment that acts as a barrier between the metal panels and your home.
  • Panel Installation: The next step involves attaching metal panels to your roof using screws or clips. These panels are specially designed for easy installation, allowing for efficient workmanship while maintaining durability. As each panel is secured in place, you'll begin to see your new metal roof take shape.
  • Flashing and Trimming: To ensure proper water drainage and prevent leaks, flashing will be installed around areas such as chimneys, vents, and skylights. This essential step in the process helps protect vulnerable areas against moisture infiltration. Additionally, trim pieces will be added along the edges of your roof for a clean and finished look.
  • Finishing Touches: Lastly, professionals will inspect every aspect of the installation to guarantee its quality and longevity. They'll make any necessary adjustments or touch-ups before considering their job complete.

Metal roofs offer long-term protection and environmental benefits for today's innovative homeowners. We'll discuss aesthetics and styles without delay now that we've covered how these roofs are carefully installed. A variety of styles and finishes allow homeowners to match their metal roof to their home's architecture and personal taste.

Aesthetics And Styles

After discussing metal roof and asphalt shingle installation, let's discuss aesthetics and styles.

Both metal and asphalt shingles offer many roofing options to suit every homeowner's taste. Metal roofs have evolved in style and design. They are no longer limited to industrial buildings or barns. Metal roofs come in many colors, textures, and finishes to match any architectural style. You can choose a metal roof with a sleek, modern, or traditional look.

However, asphalt shingles offer homeowners many aesthetic options. Shingles come in various shapes, sizes, and colors to match your style. Asphalt shingles can beautify your home in many ways, from classic three-tab to architectural or designer options that mimic wood shakes or slate tiles.

Metal roofs and asphalt shingles add value and curb appeal to your home, as well as beauty. A good roof can improve your home's appearance and impress potential buyers if you sell.

Resale Value

Resale Value

When selling your home, the right roofing choice can affect its value and impress buyers. The roof you install affects resale value. So let us know what is the average cost of a metal roof compared to asphalt shingles for us to weigh its pros and cons.

Metal roofs outperform asphalt shingles in resale value. Both options have benefits, but metal roofs are more durable and attractive, making them appealing to homebuyers.

Metal roofs cost more than asphalt shingles, but their long-term benefits may outweigh this. Metal roofs are durable and low-maintenance, saving money over time. Metal roofs often have extended warranties, giving homeowners and buyers peace of mind.

Metal roofs are sleek and modern, improving your home's curb appeal. This aesthetic appeal can attract buyers and set your property apart from others. Metal roofs let homeowners customize their roof's appearance with their choice of colors and finishes.

Metal roofs are more expensive than asphalt shingles, but their durability, low maintenance, and attractive design increase their resale value. Investing in a metal roof increases property value and reduces maintenance costs. Insurance coverage is another important roofing issue.

Insurance Coverage

Consider roof insurance to protect your investment. Many insurance companies cover hail storms and wind damage to metal roofs. This means that if a storm damages your metal roof, your insurance will cover repairs or replacement.

There are five reasons why metal roof insurance is essential:

  • Metal roofs are more expensive than asphalt shingles, so having insurance coverage gives you peace of mind knowing that you won't have to bear the entire financial burden in case of any damages.
  • Insurance coverage for metal roofs often includes protection against fire and lightning strikes. With this coverage, you can feel secure knowing that if the worst were to happen, you wouldn't have to worry about the cost of repairing or replacing your roof.
  • Some insurance policies even include coverage for accidental damage caused by falling objects like tree branches or debris. This additional protection ensures that you won't have to foot the bill if something unexpected happens and damages your metal roof.
  • Another benefit of having insurance coverage for your metal roof is protection against vandalism or theft. Your policy may cover any damages caused by intentional acts of destruction or stolen materials from your roof.
  • Lastly, insurance coverage for metal roofs often provides liability protection as well. If someone were to get injured on your property due to a roofing-related accident, your insurance would help cover medical expenses and potential legal fees.

Noise Level

Noise Level

A metal roof will be quieter than an asphalt shingle roof when it rains. Compared to asphalt shingles, metal roofs are quieter.

A metal roof muffles the sound of raindrops, making life quieter. A metal roof may be right for you if you like quiet and want to reduce outside noise.

Metal roofs are slightly more expensive than asphalt shingles, but they reduce noise and have other advantages. A well-maintained metal roof can last 50 years or more. You won't need to replace or repair them as often as with asphalt shingles, saving you money.

Metal roofs protect against hailstorms and high winds in addition to durability and noise reduction. They are more durable than asphalt shingles, which can be blown off in strong winds. With a metal roof, your home will be quieter and more weatherproof. With all these benefits, it's no wonder many homeowners prefer metal roofs over asphalt shingles.

Before discussing fire resistance, let's appreciate the innovation that comes with adopting new roofing technology and materials. Our desire for innovation drives us to improve everything, including home protection and maintenance.

Fire Resistance

Due to their fire resistance, metal roofs are ideal for safety and peace of mind. Metal roofs are more fire-resistant than asphalt shingles, which are petroleum-based. Metal roofs are Class A fire-resistant, the highest level. This makes them effective fire retardants and can help keep your home safe in an emergency.

Consider these key points to emphasize metal roof fire resistance:

  • Metal roofs are non-combustible. Unlike asphalt shingles, which can ignite and contribute to the spread of fires, metal roofs do not burn. This makes them ideal for areas prone to wildfires or lightning strikes.
  • Metal roofs prevent ember penetration. Embers from nearby fires can travel long distances and land on rooftops, potentially causing them to catch fire. However, with their durable construction and tight interlocking panels, metal roofs provide a barrier that prevents embers from penetrating through and igniting your home.
  • Metal roofs reduce the risk of structural damage. When exposed to high temperatures or direct flames, traditional roofing materials like asphalt shingles can quickly deteriorate and collapse. On the other hand, metal roofs are more resilient to heat and protect your home's structure by providing superior fire resistance.

An innovative, stylish, and safe metal roof is a good choice. Due to their durability and longevity, they cost less than asphalt shingles and resist fire better. With a metal roof, you can add a modern touch to your home and be confident that it will withstand fires.

Weather Resistance

Weather Resistance

Metal roofs are known for their durability, making them a good choice for homeowners. Asphalt shingles are vulnerable to hail, wind, and heavy rain, but metal roofs are more durable. Metal roofs can withstand extreme heat and cold.

Designed to expand and contract with temperature changes without cracking or warping, they can withstand Mother Nature. Metal roofs are weatherproof due to their interlocking design. Water cannot leak through this design's tight seal.

Metal roofs are smooth, so rainwater and snow slide off instead of accumulating and adding weight. This reduces winter ice dams and water damage. Another weatherproof benefit of metal roofs is their wind resistance.

Metal panels are screwed or clipped to the roof deck, making them less likely to be lifted or blown off during storms than asphalt shingles. This wind-resistant durability reduces repair and maintenance costs.

Metal roofs outperform asphalt shingles in extreme weather and cost less over time. Metal roofs last two to three times longer than asphalt shingles but cost more to install. A metal roof can last 50 years or more with proper maintenance and weather resistance.

This reduces replacement and repair costs over time, making it a good investment for homeowners seeking durability and long-term savings. Metal roofs are popular with homeowners due to their superior weather resistance and cost savings.

Warranty Options

Consider your new roof warranty options. Metal roofs offer many warranty options for years of peace of mind.

Many metal roofing manufacturers offer 30–50-year warranties, much longer than asphalt shingle warranties. These extended warranties show metal roofs' durability.

A paint-finish warranty is a benefit of metal roofing. The finish and the metal are both warranty-covered. This keeps your roof looking good and prevents rust and fading. Asphalt shingles may have a limited lifetime warranty that covers manufacturing defects but not normal wear and tear.

Apart from their longer duration, metal roof warranties often offer better coverage than asphalt shingle warranties. They may prevent leaks, wind, hail, and sunlight from fading. Homeowners can trust their investment and avoid maintenance costs with this comprehensive coverage.

When comparing metal roof prices to asphalt shingles, these warranty options are crucial. Metal roofs cost more than asphalt shingles, but their longer lifespan and extensive warranty coverage can save you money on repairs and replacements.

Moving on to 'cost comparison', warranty options are important in making an informed roofing material choice, but they're only one factor to consider when comparing roofing options' value and cost.

Cost Comparison

Cost Comparison

Warranty options are crucial when choosing a roofing material. However, cost comparisons between roof types are crucial. In this section, we'll compare the average cost of a metal roof to asphalt shingles to help you choose the right one for your home.

Let us begin with the average cost of a metal roof. Metal roofs are more expensive than asphalt shingles, but they have many long-term benefits. Durable metal roofs can last 50 years or more with proper maintenance. They resist fire, mildew, insects, and rot. These qualities make metal roofs a durable and efficient investment.

Asphalt shingles, however, are cheap. They're cheap and widely available, unlike most roofing materials. Asphalt shingles have a shorter lifespan of 20–30 years and may need more frequent repairs or replacements.

When comparing the average costs of both roofing materials over their lifespans, metal roofs are often cheaper than asphalt shingles due to their longevity.

Before choosing a roof, consider these factors and research your options. Now let's discuss some important factors to consider as you make this decision without compromising quality or budget.

Considerations And Factors

Imagine a roof that protects you and your family and adds beauty and value to your home. The average cost of a metal roof versus asphalt shingles depends on several factors.

Durability is important. Metal roofs can last 50 years or more with little maintenance. However, asphalt shingles last 20–30 years. Metal roofs may cost more upfront, but their durability can save you money on repairs and replacements.

Another consideration is energy efficiency. In the summer, metal roofs reflect solar heat, lowering cooling costs. Asphalt shingles absorb heat, increasing air conditioning energy use. Metal roofs reduce energy costs and help the environment.

When comparing metal roofs and asphalt shingles, consider installation costs. It takes skill to install metal roofs due to their design and material. This may increase labor costs compared to asphalt shingles, which contractors are more familiar with.

Finally, both options' aesthetics matter. Metal roofs are available in many styles and finishes to match any architecture or taste. They give your home character and curb appeal with their sleek, modern design. Asphalt shingles come in many colors and designs, but metal roofs are more visually appealing.

Compare the average cost of a metal roof to asphalt shingles, taking into account durability, energy efficiency, installation costs, and aesthetic appeal. Metal roofs cost more than asphalt shingles, but their durability and energy savings make them a good long-term investment. Metal roofs' unique style and aesthetic appeal can also boost your home's value.

Final Thoughts

Compared to asphalt shingles, metal roofing is more expensive upfront. Knowing what is the average cost of a metal roof compared to asphalt shingles is important before making a decision. However, its many benefits may make it a good long-term investment.

Metal roofs last two to three times longer than asphalt shingles. Homeowners can save on replacement costs over time. Metal roofs require less maintenance and repairs than shingles, lowering long-term costs.

Metal roofs are energy-efficient and reflect sunlight, keeping homes cool in hot climates. This can reduce summer cooling costs. Since it's made from recycled materials and is recyclable, metal roofing is environmentally friendly.

Metal roofs outperform asphalt shingles in wind, hail, and fire resistance. They also have longer warranties than traditional shingles. While metal roofing costs more than asphalt shingles, it is more durable, energy efficient, environmentally friendly, weatherproof, and has warranty options. Thus, these factors, along with personal preferences and budget constraints, must be considered when choosing a roof for your home.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can A Metal Roof Be Installed Over Existing Asphalt Shingles?

Metal roofing can be installed over asphalt shingles. This novel approach saves time and money and offers additional benefits.

You can avoid costly and time-consuming shingle removal by installing a metal roof over them. It will disrupt your life less during installation.

Metal roofs are more durable, energy-efficient, and long-lasting than asphalt shingles. Its sleek, modern design adds innovation to your home while protecting it from harsh weather. If you want an efficient and innovative roofing option, consider installing a metal roof over asphalt shingles.

Are There Any Special Maintenance Requirements For A Metal Roof Compared To Asphalt Shingles?

Maintenance-wise, metal roofs are better than asphalt shingles. The harshest weather can damage shingles, but a metal roof can withstand even the worst conditions.

With low maintenance, I spend less time worrying about repairs and more time enjoying my innovative choices. My home looks more elegant and modern with a metal roof.

If you want innovation and a low-maintenance, long-lasting roof, consider a metal roof.

How Does The Energy Efficiency Of Metal Roofing Compare To Asphalt Shingles?

Metal roofing outperforms asphalt shingles in energy efficiency. Metal roofs save energy better.

They reduce heating and cooling costs by providing excellent insulation that keeps your home cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter. Metal roofs also reflect sunlight and reduce heat absorption, saving energy.

This helps your wallet and fulfills our natural desire for innovation by embracing sustainable, environmentally friendly solutions. Metal roofing is an eco-friendly option that can boost your home's energy efficiency!

Is It Possible To Recycle Metal Roofing Material?

Yes, metal roofing can be recycled. Metal roofs are one of the most eco-friendly home improvements. They last longer than asphalt shingles and are recyclable.

Metal roofs are environmentally friendly and contribute to the sustainable future innovation movement. If you value style and sustainability, consider a metal roof.

Are There Any Specific Factors To Consider When Choosing Between A Metal Roof And Asphalt Shingles For A Historical Or Older Home?

There are several factors to consider when choosing a metal roof or asphalt shingles for an older home. Maintaining the property's authenticity and charm comes first. Metal roofs are sleek and modern, but they may not suit a historic home. However, asphalt shingles can match the architecture with a more traditional look.

Before choosing, check the house's structure. Metal roofs are heavier than asphalt shingles and may need reinforcement. Historical homes often require long-lasting solutions, so durability is important. Asphalt shingles last 20–30 years, but metal roofs last 50+.

Finally, if you care about the environment, metal roofing is highly recyclable, unlike asphalt shingles, which end up in landfills. Considering these factors will help you choose a roof that honors your historical home and your desire for innovation.
